Top 10 Books Every Woman Should Read | Top 10 Books for Every Woman Seeking Knowledge, Understanding, and Adventure

top 10 books every woman should read

Ladies and gentlemen, grab your library cards! We are on a hunt for books that will captivate, educate, and keep you up all night with “just one more chapter.”

The top 10 books every woman should read is a carefully curated collection of stories that don’t just stay on the page—they become lifelong companions.

We know “should” has an air of nagging librarian about it, but hear us out. Tastes are like libraries filled with classics and thrift-store paperbacks: vast and varied.

That’s why we abandoned genre conventions (imagine them flying off the shelves!) in favor of stories built on compassion, bravery, perseverance, and insight.

So consider this less of a list to check off and more of an invitation. A chance to explore fantastical worlds where women have gone before you, done bigger things than you can imagine (unless you’ve already traveled through time), and left their mark on the universe.

You might find narratives that shock you out of complacency or challenge your worldview or even fan the flames beneath your dreams.


1. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë:

top 10 books every woman should read

If Jane Eyre’s resiliency doesn’t make you feel like you can conquer the world…well then maybe reading this novel will help.

This gothic masterpiece is a timeless classic that should be in the top 10 books every woman should read due to its inspiring message of self-determination.

From orphan to governess to independent spinster who still won’t shut up even after marrying gloomy Mr. Rochester—there’s no obstacle too big for Jane. That’s why it’s at number one in our top 10 books every woman should read list.


2. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee:

top 10 books every woman should read

Sit beside Scout Finch as she watches injustice and bigotry with wide-eyed innocence.

An ode to kindness, bravery, and Doing The Right Thing No Matter How Hard It Gets™️—To Kill a Mockingbird is one of those classics everyone needs to finish before they die.

After you read the last page, Scout’s wise-beyond-her-years voice will follow you around for life, telling you to walk your own moral path and handle life’s obstacles with grace and courage.

That’s why it’s at number two in our top 10 books every woman should read list.


3. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood:

top 10 books every woman should read

Alongside Offred in dystopian Gilead, women are without rights—is humanity without hope?

This terrifying yet ultimately hopeful tale of perseverance, resistance, and human possibility is one of the top 10 books every woman should read.

You’ll identify with Offred’s yearning for independence and resolve to fight for a world that lets women succeed—not despite her story but because of it. That’s why it’s at number three in our top 10 books every woman should read list.


4. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott:

top 10 books every woman should read

Join the March sisters on their journey through love, loss, and self-discovery.

It’s a classic for a reason! Little Women showcases the power of female friendship, family ties, and listening to your heart when society tells you to settle down already.

Everyone has their own unique kind of strength—and Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy remind us to hold onto our weird quirks while we chase our dreams. That’s why it’s at number four in our top 10 books every woman should read list.


5. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath:

top 10 books every woman should read

The book takes a look at the struggle to take care of one’s mental health while also living up to societal expectations. it is both accessible and moving and tells a story of hope and understanding.

The hardships that women face are given a voice in this narrative. Anyone who has ever felt lost or out of place may be able to relate to Esther’s journey, but everyone will be inspired by her ability to accept herself in the end. That’s why it’s at number five in our top 10 books every woman should read list.


6. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen):

top 10 books every woman should read

Known for its witty dialogue, biting social critique, and oh-so-dreamy Mr. Darcy, Pride and Prejudice is an automatic inclusion in the top 10 books every woman should read list!

In this beautiful journey through Regency England, we learn that love can bloom anywhere and that nothing — not even money or rank — is more important than you being your authentic self.

Inspiring you with Elizabeth Bennet’s incisive tongue and fierce spirit will make you reevaluate what you think about love. That’s why it’s at number six in our top 10 books every woman should read list.


7. Frankenstein (Mary Shelley):

top 10 books every woman should read

Besides introducing us to a terrifying lab experiment gone wrong, Frankenstein explores themes of responsibility, ambition, and the nature of creation that earns it one of ten spots on the top 10 books every woman should read list.

This Gothic classic peers into our darkest human desires as we’re forced to confront how the choices we make affect others around us — including humanity as a whole.

Read Victor Frankenstein’s tragic tale if you want to learn how to not be evil while getting swept away by some deep thoughts on society’s relationship with science. That’s why it’s at number seven in our top 10 books every woman should read list.


8. Persepolis (Marjane Satrapi):

top 10 books every woman should read

A graphic novel offering an unconventional look at history… I mean what more could you ask for? Other than it being funny-sad?

Marjane Satrapi presents the Iranian Revolution through her childhood eyes in Persepolis, where she discovers the power of her own voice and the strength to survive.

Laugh and cry through this coming-of-age drama that teaches you how to make light in the darkest times.

And if you think cultural revolution is bad, Marji might just show you that love, humor, and family can get you through anything. That’s why it’s at number eight in our top 10 books every woman should read list.


9. Things Fall Apart (Chinua Achebe):

top 10 books every woman should read

Travel alongside warrior Okonkwo as he navigates pre-colonial Nigeria’s changing customs and new white neighbors.

It takes one of ten spots in our top 10 Books Every Woman Should Read list because its story is a powerful metaphor for cultural collision, individuality, and the unbreakable thread of origin.

As Okonkwo fights for what once was while embracing what will be, you’ll be moved to contemplate your cultural ties and principles too — plus it’s a great introduction to colonialism. That’s why it is at number nine in our top 10 books every woman should read list.


10. The God of Small Things (Arundhati Roy):

top 10 books every woman should read

The beautiful Indian state of Kerala serves as the backdrop for this tragic tale about forbidden love, caste strife, and loss in general.

It tugs at themes like family ties, social limitations, and the ripple effects of tragedy so strongly that we couldn’t help but place it on our top 10 books every woman should read list.

You won’t be able to forget Estha and Rahel’s story long after turning the last page — nor will you want to let go of your newly discovered activist spirit or old love affair with questioning society’s values. That’s why it’s at number ten in our top 10 books every woman should read list.



Our brains continue to think about a rich tapestry of enthralling stories as we wrap up our analysis of the top 10 books every woman should read.

Jane Eyre’s fiercely independent spirit, Scout Finch’s unyielding moral code, Offred’s fight for freedom, and Elizabeth Bennet’s sassy rebellion are just a few of the many aspects of womanhood that we’ve seen in this project.

Each tale tells us something new about women and the potent mixture of strength, resilience, and limitless potential that they possess.

Remember: This is such a small sampling! We’re not saying you should only read these top 10 books every woman should read. Instead, let them inspire you to read more widely and try new things.

Find what speaks to your heart — whether it’s epic tales from bygone eras or modern allegories for your triumphs and tragedies — because every genre and every page has the power to spark your creativity, reframe your views, or give you the tools you need to tell your own story.

So go beyond this list! Read with an insatiable curiosity that can only be quelled by recommendations from friends or strangers alike; dusty old library books; or shiny covers that catch your eye on a lonely bookstore shelf.

And then talk about it! Share your favorites with everyone willing to listen (or pretend to listen). Start conversations about stories that ignite something special in you. That is how love for literature transcends time: through conversation.

There are endless stories waiting for you in this wild world of words. The top 10 books every woman should read (and many, many more) await your eager eyes, hungry brain, and open heart. So pick one up today and dive in headfirst — who knows what wonders lie within?

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